Seed GuardiansNelson Seed Library depends on dedicated seed savers to be able to replenish our more challenging seeds. These seeds often need a higher level of care and attention to produce good quality seeds.
Seed Guardians come in many forms, some like to try growing new things, some can be depended on to replenish us year after year with just one or two varieties and some specialise in a particular plant family. Our guardians range from new seed savers to the most experienced and knowledgeable seed savers in our community. The one thing they have in common is the dedication to properly save the highest quality seed they can. One of the advantages of being a Seed Guardian is that you can access a part of our seed collection that is not necessarily available to the wider public. Sometimes this is seed that we get in very small quantities and we don't really have enough to share widely, sometimes it is seed that is new to our collection and we need it grown out to have enough to add to the main Seed Library collection. If you think you might like to become a Seed Guardian for the Nelson Seed Library then let us know though the form on the right. |
We are currently looking for lots of people to become guardians.
We are specifically looking for Guardians of Zucchini, Pumpkin, Corn, Dwarf Beans, Chilli, Brassica and Tomato. |